If you know anything about me, you know my success didn’t come overnight. I learned one day at a time how to become successful. Out of my success, and at a late age in life, I created the Think it, Do it, Be it method, and have used this method in so many different ways. I was using this method without even knowing it when I started on the unlikely road to becoming an International Bikini Diva Champion at age sixty-eight.
Now, the Think it, Do it, Be it method is how I live my life from day to day. In 365 DAYS TO SUCCESS, with the Think It, Do It, Be it Method, you will be affirming your way to success day by day. By using this method, you will be able to reach your desired goal, whatever it may be. If I can be on INBA’s Team USA, and win an International Gold Medal even now at seventy-five, then you can reach any goal you set for yourself in 365 days.
This 365 Days to Success method is a sure-fire guide to realizing your dreams and desires. Nothing in this life is accomplished without first thinking it and believing in it. Most people spend their lives wanting and wishing for something miraculous to happen in their lives.
What they don’t know is that they’ve also been training their brain to want and wish, but not to succeed. To succeed in anything, your thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs must be in alignment with your desires, and aimed squarely at your goal. These daily affirmations have been carefully constructed to train your brain, from the ground up, to develop a successful attitude. Through this process, you will more clearly identify your goals, and act upon them. You will also unquestionably know that there can be no other result but the successful realization of those goals.
Successful thinking takes practice to overcome all the negative thoughts you’ve developed, in one form or another, your whole life. Thoughts like:
- I can’t.
- The odds are stacked against me.
- I’m not good enough.
- He/She just get all the breaks.
- My life is too difficult.
- There’s nobody to help me.
- I’m the wrong sex, color, religion.
- I’m not smart enough.
- I don’t have the time.
- Maybe, someday.
- I’ll succeed right after I …
- The stars aren’t aligned.
- “If only” I, they, this or that …
- I’m not ready.
- Successful people are not moral, good, deserving, honest, giving, etc.
- I don’t want to lose touch with, or seem like I’m better than my friends.
The list goes on and on. As you can see we are very inventive beings, and easily create all kinds of obstacles for ourselves. Everything is energy. Energy is the fundamental building block of the universe. By learning to harmonize with that universal energy, you will open new channels for that energy to show itself in your life. You will start to see it working for you in every activity you experience.
The 365 Days to Success method focuses on aligning your energy with universal energy to remove obstacles, and create new supportive thoughts in their place. These new positive thoughts are called affirmations. By affirming your positive thoughts day by day, week by week, month by month you will observe your thoughts changing in new and inspiring ways that will make you feel more positive, focused, and energetic. You will begin experiencing synchronicity everywhere in your life. Your new attitude will attract all sorts of events and people that seem to appear out of nowhere to help you. You’ll meet new people. You’ll see new possibilities. And you’ll open new doors of opportunity, as you clarify your goals, and build a new consciousness of success.
You have chosen to undertake a 365 Day practice that will lead you to success in whatever area you desire. But the practice also takes commitment. It takes honesty, and the courage to look at your life in new ways. The clarity will come as you begin thinking new thoughts and having new experiences. Trust it. Flow with it. You’re on a yearlong journey that will reveal new insights day by day. Enjoy it. Give thanks for it. And go after it with gusto. Happy Trails.